1 Goal

This file is used to determine gender based on first name for our sample of sociologists and political scientists.

2 Custom functions

  • fpackage.check: Check if packages are installed (and install if not) in R (source).
  • fsave: Save to processed data in repository
  • fload: To load the files back after an fsave
  • fshowdf: To print objects (tibbles / data.frame) nicely on screen in .rmd
rm(list = ls())

fpackage.check <- function(packages) {
    lapply(packages, FUN = function(x) {
        if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
            install.packages(x, dependencies = TRUE)
            library(x, character.only = TRUE)

fsave <- function(x, file = NULL, location = "./data/processed/") {
    ifelse(!dir.exists("data"), dir.create("data"), FALSE)
    ifelse(!dir.exists("data/processed"), dir.create("data/processed"), FALSE)
    if (is.null(file))
        file = deparse(substitute(x))
    datename <- substr(gsub("[:-]", "", Sys.time()), 1, 8)
    totalname <- paste(location, datename, file, ".rda", sep = "")
    save(x, file = totalname)  #need to fix if file is reloaded as input name, not as x. 

fload <- function(filename) {
    get(ls()[ls() != "filename"])

fshowdf <- function(x, ...) {
    knitr::kable(x, digits = 2, "html", ...) %>%
        kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")) %>%
        kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "300px")

3 Packages

  • genderizeR: genderize package adapted to use in R, maps first names to gender
packages = c("genderizeR", "tidyverse")


4 Input

This is the file you made in the previous step.

If something went wrong, you can download the file here:

Download 20230627df_names.rda

Put it in the correct folder: ‘./data/processed’

df <- fload(file = "./data/processed/20230627df_names.rda")

5 Preparing the dataframe

We only need to check each unique first name once, so therefore we extract all unique names first. We use the distinct function from tidyverse to recognize and then select only unique entries in the first name object

firstname <- df %>% 
  distinct(firstname) %>% #only unique
  select(firstname) %>% #only this variable
  filter(firstname != "") %>% #remove empty
  pull(firstname) #save as chr

6 GenderizeR

It is possible to use specific databases of GenderizeR by country. In that case, you can add the ‘country’ argument in genderizeAPI. We will now use the worldwide database, which this function defaults to when you don’t add a country argument.

As a besides, in our ‘real’ project, we scraped the gender for Dutch names from this website. We only used genderizeR as check.

Let us scrape one name first

test <- genderizeAPI(firstname[1])
#>    count   name gender probability
#>    <int> <char> <char>       <num>
#> 1: 11997    ece female        0.96

Okay, now just loop. ;-)

First we scrape…but watch out, you will probably run into rate limits.

df_genderizer <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = length(firstname)))
colnames(df_genderizer) <- c("count", "name", "gender", "probability")
for (i in 1:length(firstname)) {
    df_genderizer[i, ] <- genderizeAPI(firstname[i])$response
colnames(df_genderizer) <- c("count", "name", "gender", "probability")
df_genderizer$name <- firstname  #so we know which names are not found. 

You may get stuck along the way. We therefore the objects for you.

You can download the files here:

Download genderizer_raw.rda

Download df_genderizer.rda

Put it in the correct folder: ‘./data/processed’

Decision moment!

We retain only names where we can be pretty sure about the gender. If the name is around 50/50 male- or female-typed, we cannot assign the gender with confidence.

Our cut-off point is at .90, meaning we can be 90% confident that a name is either male or female.

To be honest, I think it would be a better strategy not to dummify but simply use the probability score as variable in your final model.

df_genderizer <- df_genderizer[df_genderizer$probability > 0.9, ]

df_genderizer <- subset(df_genderizer, select = c("name", "gender"))

name gender
1 ece female
2 marcel male
3 weverthon male
4 vardan male
5 rutger male
6 lute male
7 anne female
8 janine female
9 vincent male
10 tobias male
11 rense male
12 marleen female
13 lucas male
14 christian male
15 paula female
16 eva female
17 rita female
18 matthias male
20 david male
21 lea female
22 mathijs male
23 wouter male
24 marco male
25 marjan female
26 tanja female
27 ineke female
28 ana female
29 luuk male
30 thomas male
32 christof male
33 huyen female
34 amy female
35 amina female
36 kasper male
38 paulina female
40 wojtek male
41 werner male
42 stijn male
43 philipp male
44 jan-willem male
45 sanjana female
46 jos male
49 frank male
50 isabelle female
52 linde female
53 jeroen male
54 kevin male
55 nick male
56 marjolein female
57 sofie female
58 annemarie female
59 ellen female
61 aleida female
62 ronald male
63 katia female
64 hidde male
65 lonneke female
66 lieselotte female
67 rob male
68 maurice male
69 nella female
70 saskia female
71 margriet female
72 remco male
74 judith female
75 gerbert male
76 roza female
77 michael male
78 peer male
79 niels male
80 jochem male
81 mark male
82 maarten male
83 carlijn female
84 mustafa male
85 aysegul female
86 inge female
87 thijmen male
88 rachel female
89 nik male
90 renae female
91 maikel male
92 carly female
93 katrin female
94 klara female
95 marlou female
96 sara female
97 janos male
98 jansje female
99 elize female
100 tijmen male
101 elissa female
102 carl male
103 paul male
104 malou female
105 danelien female
106 gabriel male
107 dieko male
109 sanne female
110 edgar male
112 basak female
113 rie female
114 daniel male
115 jacob male
116 jan male
117 marijtje female
118 andreas male
119 vincenz male
120 marieke female
121 francesca female
123 thecla female
124 rolf male
125 minke female
126 liesbet female
127 johan male
128 anja female
129 gijs male
130 aliona female
131 danielle female
132 matthijs male
134 laura female
136 lydia female
137 siegwart male
138 zoltan male
141 eleonora female
142 carlos male
143 dennis male
144 jaap male
145 xingna female
146 julian male
147 chaim male
148 menno male
149 marina female
151 elizaveta female
152 tom male
153 marie female
154 jonas male
156 gert male
158 donald male
159 chloe female
160 daniela female
162 amber female
163 simon male
164 annick female
165 elsje female
166 rudi male
167 fenna female
168 rafael male
169 xinyue female
171 stephan male
172 theo male
173 tibor male
174 josien female
175 evelyne female
176 nienke female
177 thijs male
178 sarah female
179 patrick male
180 kalima female
181 liubov female
182 siegnella female
183 rineke female
184 kobe male
185 sherilyn female
186 fenella female
187 rebecca female
189 ruben male
190 hein male
191 bart male
192 twan male
193 chip male
194 christoph male
195 marie-louise female
196 emilija female
197 roos female
198 agnieszka female
199 anna female
200 monique female
201 bram male
202 liliya female
203 kirils male
204 gerben male
206 caroline female
208 pamela female
209 ladan female
210 emran male
211 renee female
212 tobi male
213 pinar female
214 olga female
215 hanne female
216 stephanie female
217 katharina female
218 jurgen male
219 olav male
220 gerlieke female
221 alex male
222 arnoud male
223 don male
224 herman male
225 catherine female
226 dieuwke female
227 jens male
228 nazar male
230 petra female
231 carla female
232 marije female
233 alice female
234 henriette female
236 gerhard male
237 samira female
238 anika female
239 alexandra female
240 kathy female
241 gozde female
242 eddy male
243 zakia female
244 muhammad male
245 tara female
246 harry male
247 maura female
248 mauricio male
249 halleh female
250 santiago male
251 barbara female
252 alaxandra female
253 mohammad male
254 fabian male
255 barry male
256 olena female
257 mariska female
258 martijn male
259 erik male
260 elif female
261 fatma female
263 kyohee female
264 bert male
265 margrieth female
266 timo male
267 zsuzsa female
268 nebil male
271 youssra female
273 elly female
275 eva-maria female
276 phoebe female
277 nasser male
278 jasper male
279 lorraine female
281 mimi female
282 eline female
283 joram male
284 dimitris male
285 diederik male
286 elena female
287 sharon female
288 maria female
289 sawitri female
290 joris male
292 sajad male
293 fiona female
295 mansoureh female
296 tamira female
297 jacquelien female
298 elias male
299 bianca female
300 joukje female
301 saartje female
302 claire female
304 myrto female
305 joseph male
306 nina female
307 evelyn female
309 pamala female
310 arjen male
311 lisa female
312 younes male
314 teana female
315 sjaak male
318 jaco male
319 roxy female
321 pearl female
322 godfried male
324 catharina female
325 bonnie female
326 daphne female
327 jennifer female
328 elske female
329 gita female
330 renske female
331 margot female
332 ferry male
333 willem male
335 saliha female
336 samantha female
337 tim male
338 jonathan male
339 kjell male
340 irene female
341 joost male
342 lore female
343 rogier male
344 lotte female
345 will male
346 liang male
347 alissa female
348 peter male
349 ipek female
351 erwin male
352 katya female
353 suzanne female
354 tijs male
355 nancy female
356 ruud male
357 francesco male
358 quita female
360 ioana female
361 marga female
362 helma female
363 femke female
364 renate female
365 tomas male
366 nora female
367 franca female
368 cees male
369 elizabeth female
370 nada female
371 joep male
373 teun male
374 erika female
375 naomi female
376 yannicke female
377 emily female
378 rosanne female
379 carolien female
380 kristof male
381 jutta female
382 gerry male
383 gaard male
384 rosa female
385 stella female
387 vera female
389 romain male
390 katerina female
391 gustav male
392 maurits male
393 tine female
394 camille female
395 chris male
396 bob male
397 roderik male
398 miguel male
400 salah male
401 melisa female
402 jeannine female
403 haley female
404 tjidde male
405 maya female
406 reinout male
407 bertjan male
408 willemijn female
409 mieke female
410 desiree female
411 koen male
412 angela female
413 andrej male
414 adina female
415 ingrid female
416 nicolas male
417 valentina female
418 leila female
419 jesse male
420 matthew male
421 gisela female
422 joop male
423 corinna female
424 petr male
425 floris male
426 juan male
427 hilde female
428 frits male
429 cristoph male
430 johannes male
431 karolina female
432 babak male
433 josh male
434 jonah male
435 vasiliki female
436 cynthia female
438 nikoleta female
439 alessia female
441 kathleen female
442 josette female
443 anastasia female
444 manuel male
445 eleftherios male
446 aleksandra female
447 hannah female
448 sabine female
449 ildiko female
450 zach male
451 alexander male
452 pawan male
453 lukas male
455 rick male
456 daan male
457 elina female
458 rudy male
459 ivan male
460 agha male
461 jelena female
464 diana female
465 janina female
466 galen male
467 muge female
468 gjovalin male
469 alexandros male
470 joyce female
471 arlinda female
473 xander male
474 vishwesh male
475 olaf male
476 anouk female
477 carina female
478 selina female
479 tjitske female
480 natasha female
482 tito male
483 julia female
484 asma female
486 merve female
487 astrid female
488 esme female
489 brian male
490 kristin female
491 ruth female
492 noyonika female
493 ursula female
494 linet female
495 sonja female
496 meindert male
497 matilde female
498 fatima female
499 luc male
500 annette female
501 maureen female
502 john male
503 armen male
504 imke female
505 eelco male
506 victor male
508 klaas male
509 charlotte female
510 otto male
511 maaike female
512 beste female
513 leonie female
514 haylee female
515 eda female
516 geert-jan male
517 sebastian male
518 katie female
519 chunglin male
522 meredith female
523 kingsley male
525 piotr male
526 sabah female
527 liza female
528 ton male
530 polly female
531 mehdi male
532 steve male
534 philip male
535 mariana female
537 enzo male
538 zahra female
539 kidjie female
540 eric male
541 merel female
542 yasemin female
544 eefje female
546 geoffrey male
547 duygu female
549 imrat male
550 darshan male
551 jessica female
552 sofia female
553 loes female
554 bastiaan male
555 jelle male
556 duco male
557 hans male
558 jeanne female
559 madalina female
560 aylin female
561 sinan male
562 alana female
563 liberty female
564 ben male
565 serena female
566 yunus male
568 fred male
569 gjalt male
571 laurens male
572 leo male
573 hortense female
574 wynand male
575 cille female
576 benjamin male
577 geert male
578 maria-alexandra female
579 stefano male
580 dana female
581 montserrat female
582 steven male
583 henk male
584 maeve female
585 michiel male
586 kayla female
587 katherine female
588 frederique female
589 boris male
590 ozlem female
591 lieselot female
592 sietske female
593 wolfgang male
595 pieter male
596 kristina female

7 Merging the genderizer info to the dataframe with names

df %>%
    left_join(df_genderizer, by = c(firstname = "name")) -> df_gender

name uni email position discipline year affil1 affil2 id np lastname firstname ini gender
Ece Arat UU phd sociology 2022 UU f84cb8 arat ece female
Marcel Van Assen UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU ad5eeb van assen marcel male
Weverthon Barbosa Machado UU other sociology 2022 UU 5a5e57 machado weverthon male
Vardan Barsegyan UU other sociology 2022 UU 7c3ed2 barsegyan vardan male
Rutger Blom UU other sociology 2022 UU 944260 blom rutger male
Lute Bos UU other sociology 2022 UU 6c23fc bos lute male
Anne Brons UU other sociology 2022 UU a0e6e4 brons anne female
Janine De Bruijn UU other sociology 2022 UU d6e255 de bruijn janine female
Vincent Buskens UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU 6f4bc6 buskens vincent male
Tobias Cinjee UU other sociology 2022 UU 3c4a44 cinjee tobias male
Rense Corten UU associate_prof sociology 2022 UU 8a3ee4 corten rense male
Marleen Damman UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU 63e8bf damman marleen female
Lucas Drouhot UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU 6c1d9c drouhot lucas male
Christian Fang UU phd sociology 2022 UU aec255 fang christian male
Paula Hoffmann UU phd sociology 2022 UU 6ca1b5 hoffmann paula female
Eva Jaspers UU associate_prof sociology 2022 UU 352266 jaspers eva female
Rita Jiao UU phd sociology 2022 UU 61e993 jiao rita female
Matthias Kern UU other sociology 2022 UU b3a3c0 kern matthias male
Antonie Knigge UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU 2a363a knigge antonie NA
David De Kort UU other sociology 2022 UU 6cf903 de kort david male
Lea Kroner UU phd sociology 2022 UU 97f1a4 kroner lea female
Mathijs Kros UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU d5509f kros mathijs male
Wouter Kwint UU other sociology 2022 UU 427ffe kwint wouter male
Marco Van Leeuwen UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU 686a70 van leeuwen marco male
Marjan Van Lier UU other sociology 2022 UU 201dcf van lier marjan female
Tanja Van Der Lippe UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU a6c26b van der lippe tanja female
Ineke Maas UU/UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UU UvA f34b0f maas ineke female
Ana Macanovic UU phd sociology 2022 UU dbeed8 macanovic ana female
Luuk Mandemakers UU other sociology 2022 UU c6dbe2 mandemakers luuk male
Thomas Martens UU other sociology 2022 UU 079d1c martens thomas male
Deni Mazrekaj UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU 975dfb mazrekaj deni NA
Christof Nagel UU other sociology 2022 UU fd6bcc nagel christof male
Huyen Nguyen UU other sociology 2022 UU 966cf4 nguyen huyen female
Amy Nivette UU associate_prof sociology 2022 UU c486ee nivette amy female
Amina Op De Weegh UU phd sociology 2022 UU 215a38 op de weegh amina female
Kasper Otten UU phd sociology 2022 UU b435e7 otten kasper male
Jiamin Ou UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU 2ae513 ou jiamin NA
Paulina Pankowska UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU bb512b pankowska paulina female
Anne-Rigt Poortman UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU 156251 poortman anne-rigt NA
Wojtek Przepiorka UU associate_prof sociology 2022 UU 6622d0 przepiorka wojtek male
Anne Van Der Put UU phd sociology 2022 UU 5d7d53 van der put anne female
Werner Raub UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU 2d2334 raub werner male
Stijn Ruiter UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU d13a94 ruiter stijn male
Philipp Schneider UU phd sociology 2022 UU 83e8f2 schneider philipp male
Jan-Willem Simons UU phd sociology 2022 UU ed443a simons jan-willem male
Sanjana Singh UU phd sociology 2022 UU 5f7b23 singh sanjana female
Jos Slabbekoorn UU phd sociology 2022 UU fe0389 slabbekoorn jos male
Tali Spiegel UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU 8e8276 spiegel tali NA
Kim Stienstra UU phd sociology 2022 UU a87a63 stienstra kim NA
Frank Van Tubergen UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU 87ca43 van tubergen frank male
Isabelle Van Der Vegt UU assistant_prof sociology 2022 UU 7d9c3c van der vegt isabelle female
Cok Vrooman UU full_prof sociology 2022 UU a71618 vrooman cok NA
Linde Vromans UU other sociology 2022 UU 0eb425 vromans linde female
Jeroen Weesie UU associate_prof sociology 2022 UU b76488 weesie jeroen male
Kevin Wittenberg UU phd sociology 2022 UU 831575 wittenberg kevin male
Nick Wuestenenk UU phd sociology 2022 UU 8d7b0a wuestenenk nick male
Marjolein Bredie UU Ondersteunend personeel, dus niet verder uitgewerkt other sociology 2022 UU 443154 bredie marjolein female
Sofie Van De Calseijde UU other sociology 2022 UU f8b5a4 van de calseijde sofie female
Annemarie Houkes UU other sociology 2022 UU 991f74 houkes annemarie female
Ellen Janssen UU other sociology 2022 UU 5e0798 janssen ellen female
Pim Sangers UU other sociology 2022 UU 17ad6c sangers pim NA
Aleida Sjardijn UU other sociology 2022 UU 34a63e sjardijn aleida female
Ronald Batenburg RU full_prof sociology 2022 RU 471b42 batenburg ronald male
Katia Begall RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU 31144d begall katia female
Hidde Bekhuis RU other sociology 2022 RU 888093 bekhuis hidde male
Lonneke van den Berg RU postdoc sociology 2022 RU c47638 van den berg lonneke female
Lieselotte Blommaert RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU f99757 blommaert lieselotte female
Rob Eisinga RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU 7e85d6 eisinga rob male
Maurice Gesthuizen RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU 5f9d45 gesthuizen maurice male
Nella Geurts RU postdoc sociology 2022 RU 3e9d6d geurts nella female
Saskia Glas RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU 7f8ff4 glas saskia female
Margriet van Hek RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU 6075fe van hek margriet female
Remco Hoekman RU other sociology 2022 RU 2d4a95 hoekman remco male
Bas Hofstra RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU 61b8a6 hofstra bas NA
Judith Koops RU postdoc sociology 2022 RU 07b8a5 koops judith female
Gerbert Kraaykamp RU full_prof sociology 2022 RU 1bf89e kraaykamp gerbert male
Roza Meuleman RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU f618fc meuleman roza female
Michael Savelkoul RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU dad54c savelkoul michael male
Peer Scheepers RU full_prof sociology 2022 RU a576d6 scheepers peer male
Niels Spierings RU associate_prof sociology 2022 RU 5da2d4 spierings niels male
Jochem Tolsma RU/RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RU G 07231a tolsma jochem male
Ellen Verbakel RU full_prof sociology 2022 RU b65f6f verbakel ellen female
Mark Visser RU assistant_prof sociology 2022 RU 5e2898 visser mark male
Maarten Wolbers RU full_prof sociology 2022 RU 9ab0fc wolbers maarten male
Carlijn Bussemakers RU phd sociology 2022 RU 6cca60 bussemakers carlijn female
Rob Franken RU phd sociology 2022 RU 4ed5be franken rob male
Mustafa Firat RU phd sociology 2022 RU f92019 firat mustafa male
Aysegül Güneyli RU phd sociology 2022 RU f782c2 guneyli aysegul female
Inge Hendriks RU phd sociology 2022 RU 513b49 hendriks inge female
Thijmen Jeroense RU phd sociology 2022 RU e37333 jeroense thijmen male
Rachel Kollar RU phd sociology 2022 RU b672bd kollar rachel female
Nik Linders RU phd sociology 2022 RU ac8ab3 linders nik male
Renae Loh RU phd sociology 2022 RU b6cedc loh renae female
Maikel Meijeren RU phd sociology 2022 RU e2ebbb meijeren maikel male
Carly van Mensvoort RU phd sociology 2022 RU a527b8 van mensvoort carly female
Anne Maaike Mulders RU phd sociology 2022 RU 1e61cb mulders anne female
Katrin Müller RU phd sociology 2022 RU 554613 muller katrin female
Klara Raiber RU phd sociology 2022 RU 7c14e8 raiber klara female
Marlou Ramaekers RU phd sociology 2022 RU 809f71 ramaekers marlou female
Sara Wiertsema RU phd sociology 2022 RU c1722b wiertsema sara female
Janos Betko RU phd sociology 2022 RU a00209 betko janos male
Jansje van Middendorp RU phd sociology 2022 RU 8e7b43 van middendorp jansje female
Elize Vis RU phd sociology 2022 RU 91db4e vis elize female
Tijmen Weber RU phd sociology 2022 RU bb8ffa weber tijmen male
Elissa El Khawli RU other sociology 2022 RU 05a9d1 el khawli elissa female
Carl Sterkens RU other sociology 2022 RU 683c64 sterkens carl male
Paul Vermeer RU other sociology 2022 RU e5d4c4 vermeer paul male
Malou Grubben RU other sociology 2022 RU 0e20be grubben malou female
Danelien van Aalst RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 380300 van aalst danelien female
Gabriël Anthonio RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RUG 4c1cb7 anthonio gabriel male
Dieko Bakker RUG postdoc sociology 2022 RUG ff0b62 bakker dieko male
Wike Been RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG 6c8b66 been wike NA
Sanne Berends RUG other sociology 2022 RUG 510f60 berends sanne female
Edgar de Bie RUG other sociology 2022 RUG ba6e22 de bie edgar male
A.B. Bieleman RUG other sociology 2022 RUG a37852 bieleman A.B. NA
Basak Bilecen RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG f77a8b bilecen basak female
Rie Bosman RUG other sociology 2022 RUG fa423f bosman rie female
Daniel Robert Cowen RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 30204d cowen daniel male
M.M Cuperus RUG other sociology 2022 RUG 5a3ce5 cuperus M.M NA
Jacob Dijkstra RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG 4161ee dijkstra jacob male
Jan Kornelis Dijkstra RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG e4cd9a dijkstra jan male
Z Dong RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 911142 dong Z NA
Marijtje van Duijn RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RUG bc5507 van duijn marijtje female
Thomas Feliciani RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG baf155 feliciani thomas male
Andreas Flache RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RUG 3514f2 flache andreas male
Vincenz Frey RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG 9bbcaa frey vincenz male
Anne Gauthier RUG other sociology 2022 RUG e4bca1 gauthier anne female
Marieke van Gerner-Haan RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG e96a8a van gerner marieke female
Francesca Giardini RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG 006d08 giardini francesca female
Arie Glebbeek RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG e0d964 glebbeek arie NA
Thecla Goossens RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 13f4d8 goossens thecla female
Rolf Granholm RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 8f3d69 granholm rolf male
Minke Hajer Universita degli studi di Milano postdoc sociology 2022 Universita degli studi di Milano f6f5e9 hajer minke female
Liesbet Heyse RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG 9bd18b heyse liesbet female
Johan Hiemstra RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 1e43bb hiemstra johan male
Anja Holwerda RUG other sociology 2022 RUG 863372 holwerda anja female
Mark Huisman RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG 2e4b8b huisman mark male
Gijs Huitsing RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG 8e364c huitsing gijs male
Aliona Ignatieva RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG b9b6ce ignatieva aliona female
Danielle Jansen RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG 481f6c jansen danielle female
M. Kalma RUG other sociology 2022 RUG 37fe69 kalma M. NA
Matthijs Kalmijn RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RUG 2dd9fc kalmijn matthijs male
D. Karaagac RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 68c61d karaagac D. NA
Rowan ten Kate RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 1a858e ten kate rowan NA
Laura Keesman RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG 4335bf keesman laura female
Marijn Keijzer RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 19cd7c keijzer marijn NA
Sanne Kellij RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 71af39 kellij sanne female
Wouter Kiekens RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 21ecfc kiekens wouter male
Ronald Kielman RUG other sociology 2022 RUG b15887 kielman ronald male
Anne Kuschel RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG fa620a kuschel anne female
Lydia Laninga-Wijnen RUG postdoc sociology 2022 RUG 7071c6 laninga lydia female
Siegwart Lindenberg RUG/Tilburg full_prof sociology 2022 RUG Tilburg 725b09 lindenberg siegwart male
Zoltán Lippényi RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG 20555e lippenyi zoltan male
Jing Liu RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG abecae liu jing NA
S. Liu RUG other sociology 2022 RUG 664a1b liu S. NA
Sofie Lorijn RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 30af7a lorijn sofie female
Alla Loseva RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 97a883 loseva alla NA
R. Lu RUG other sociology 2022 RUG b5deeb lu R. NA
Marcel Lubbers RUG/RU full_prof sociology 2022 RUG RU 1c7266 lubbers marcel male
Eleonora Marucci RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 277c92 marucci eleonora female
Carlos de Matos Fernandes RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 6c73f9 de matos carlos male
Dennis Nientimp RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG bc4cfa nientimp dennis male
Jaap Nieuwenhuis RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG a003c2 nieuwenhuis jaap male
Xingna Qin RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 75ff10 qin xingna female
Julian Rengers RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 10cb2d rengers julian male
Chaïm la Roi RUG/Universiteit Stockholm other sociology 2022 RUG Universiteit Stockholm 9cc4ca la roi chaim male
Menno Rol RUG other sociology 2022 RUG 91b7af rol menno male
Marina Roos RUG other sociology 2022 RUG e36fc7 roos marina female
Sayoni Santara RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 57a512 santara sayoni NA
Elizaveta Sivak RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 9f2451 sivak elizaveta female
L Slot RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 3bc46b slot L NA
Rita Smaniotto RUG other sociology 2022 RUG cf9f9f smaniotto rita female
Tom Snijders RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RUG 742326 snijders tom male
E.R. Spruijt RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 21cf3f spruijt E.R. NA
Marie Stadel RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG c54ccc stadel marie female
Christian Steglich RUG/University Linköping associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG University Linköping 16c635 steglich christian male
Jonas Stein RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG a1b68a stein jonas male
Nardi Steverink RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RUG 718453 steverink nardi NA
Gert Stulp RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG 7e31c2 stulp gert male
Tanzhe Tang RUG/TU Delft phd sociology 2022 RUG TU Delft 3d4538 tang tanzhe NA
Thomas Teekens RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 3b133e teekens thomas male
Donald van Tol RUG assistant_prof sociology 2022 RUG a2d2fa van tol donald male
Chlóe Tolmatcheff RUG/University of Turku postdoc sociology 2022 RUG University of Turku 994acc tolmatcheff chloe female
Daniela Torres Alatorre RUG other sociology 2022 RUG fdd658 alatorre daniela female
René Veenstra RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RUG b48d3e veenstra rene NA
Amber Vellinga-Dings RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 201210 vellinga amber female
A.J. Venema RUG other sociology 2022 RUG d1444f venema A.J. NA
Simon Venema RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 2386c1 venema simon male
Annick Vlieg RUG other sociology 2022 RUG b2ce13 vlieg annick female
Elsje de Vries RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 9db6ad de vries elsje female
Marieke van der Wal RUG other sociology 2022 RUG 3b09e6 van der wal marieke female
Rudi Wielers RUG associate_prof sociology 2022 RUG ffa630 wielers rudi male
Sofie Wiersma RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG daf445 wiersma sofie female
Fenna van der Wijk RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 2cb6d4 van der wijk fenna female
Rafael Wittek RUG full_prof sociology 2022 RUG 75631f wittek rafael male
Xinyue Wu RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 15f4f5 wu xinyue female
Xiao Xu RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 5be2db xu xiao NA
Stephan Zaretckii RUG phd sociology 2022 RUG 779ceb zaretckii stephan male
Theo van der Zee RUG other sociology 2022 RUG e83a28 van der zee theo male
Tibor Zingora RUG postdoc sociology 2022 RUG 7f1e40 zingora tibor male
Josien Arts UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA 6d7498 arts josien female
Carlijn van Baak UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 347272 van baak carlijn female
Evelyne Baillergeau UvA other sociology 2022 UvA 64bccf baillergeau evelyne female
Nienke Boesveldt UvA other sociology 2022 UvA 534290 boesveldt nienke female
Thijs Bol UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA 480a45 bol thijs male
David Bos UvA other sociology 2022 UvA ceac15 bos david male
Sarah Bracke UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 6c44f8 bracke sarah female
Patrick Brown UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA cc57da brown patrick male
Jeroen Bruggeman UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA 73a7f9 bruggeman jeroen male
Christian Bröer UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA 63b63b broer christian male
Kalima Carrigan Chavez UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 2d172b chavez kalima female
Liubov Chernysheva UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA a8ccdc chernysheva liubov female
Siegnella Concincion UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA ec4f15 concincion siegnella female
Rineke van Daalen UvA other sociology 2022 UvA 6f7fee van daalen rineke female
Johan de Deken UvA other sociology 2022 UvA 890210 de deken johan male
Kobe de Keere UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA c9e105 de keere kobe male
Sherilyn Deen UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 2572d8 deen sherilyn female
Jan Willen Duyvendak UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 6717db duyvendak jan male
Fenella Fleischmann UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 5ccc4b fleischmann fenella female
Rébecca Franco UvA postdoc sociology 2022 UvA b55d74 franco rebecca female
Andrea Friedmann Rozenbaum UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 63a7e3 rozenbaum andrea NA
Ruben van Gaalen UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA d13ed6 van gaalen ruben male
Sara Geven UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA 5cd4a2 geven sara female
Hein de Haas UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 2167c6 de haas hein male
Bart van Heerikhuizen UvA other sociology 2022 UvA e30a64 van heerikhuizen bart male
Margriet van Heesch UvA other sociology 2022 UvA 132b65 van heesch margriet female
Twan Huijsmans UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 0f1660 huijsmans twan male
Chip Huisman UvA other sociology 2022 UvA baad7a huisman chip male
Rene Hulst UvA other sociology 2022 UvA f0b10e hulst rene NA
Christoph Janietz UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA a3fc93 janietz christoph male
Marie-Louise Janssen UvA other sociology 2022 UvA dba366 janssen marie-louise female
Emilija Jokubauskaite UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA aa4dd8 jokubauskaite emilija female
Roos de Jong UvA other sociology 2022 UvA 9b7c38 de jong roos female
Agnieszka Kanas UvA/EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA EUR 8ad3ae kanas agnieszka female
Anna Keuchenius UvA postdoc sociology 2022 UvA feca8f keuchenius anna female
Monique Kremer UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA c2cf5c kremer monique female
Marie Labussière UvA postdoc sociology 2022 UvA 48c488 labussiere marie female
Bram Lancee UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA 9bc15c lancee bram male
Liliya Leopold UvA postdoc sociology 2022 UvA f7007a leopold liliya female
Kirils Makarovs UvA other sociology 2022 UvA 1b5298 makarovs kirils male
Daniel Mayerhoffer UvA/Frankfurt School of Finance & Management assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA Frankfurt School of Finance & Management fb92a9 mayerhoffer daniel male
Gerben Moerman UvA other sociology 2022 UvA 45c9fe moerman gerben male
Lou Mousset UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 26cbea mousset lou NA
Caroline Nevejan UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 4dc061 nevejan caroline female
Bo Paulle UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA a7b8ef paulle bo NA
Pamela Prickett UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA 79916c prickett pamela female
Ladan Rahbari UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA df4279 rahbari ladan female
Jan Rath UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 6bfc1e rath jan male
Emran Riffi Acharki UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 82e59b acharki emran male
Renée Römkens UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA fba8b2 romkens renee female
Tobi Sachs UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA ae3d4f sachs tobi male
Pinar Sefkatli UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 84bcc8 sefkatli pinar female
Olga Sezneva UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA 0adc97 sezneva olga female
Jaap van Slageren UvA postdoc sociology 2022 UvA c190c9 van slageren jaap male
Fenna Smits UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 52d033 smits fenna female
Hanne Stegeman UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 4f4aaa stegeman hanne female
Stephanie Steinmetz UvA/University of Lausanne associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA University of Lausanne 6e1eff steinmetz stephanie female
Katharina Stückradt UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 4c0a1c stuckradt katharina female
Jurgen Tijms UvA other sociology 2022 UvA cfdf55 tijms jurgen male
Olav Velthuis UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 761a1e velthuis olav male
Gerlieke Veltkamp UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA 288fed veltkamp gerlieke female
Alex van Venrooij UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA 7b78d0 van venrooij alex male
Arnoud Verhoeff UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 7bf658 verhoeff arnoud male
Laura Vonk UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 88aea2 vonk laura female
S Vuijsters UvA other sociology 2022 UvA aeb119 vuijsters S NA
Don Weenink UvA associate_prof sociology 2022 UvA 857f82 weenink don male
Herman van de Werfhorst UvA full_prof sociology 2022 UvA 7fac71 van de werfhorst herman male
Catherine Wong UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA 2bf443 wong catherine female
Eva Zschirnt UvA assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvA 8ffe9e zschirnt eva female
Dieuwke Zwier UvA phd sociology 2022 UvA 780292 zwier dieuwke female
Jens Abbing VU phd sociology 2022 VU 147708 abbing jens male
Nazar Abdulazeez VU phd sociology 2022 VU 9999cf abdulazeez nazar male
Menal Ahmed VU other sociology 2022 VU d3f274 ahmed menal NA
Petra van Aken VU phd sociology 2022 VU baf374 van aken petra female
Carla Bakboord VU phd sociology 2022 VU cdd6b4 bakboord carla female
Bart Bakker VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 142656 bakker bart male
René Bekkers VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 0610f2 bekkers rene NA
Marije Blok VU phd sociology 2022 VU 8d7697 blok marije female
Alice de Boer VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU fb40f4 de boer alice female
Henriëtte Boersma-de Vries VU phd sociology 2022 VU 390832 vries henriette female
Stef Bouwhuis VU other sociology 2022 VU e8bda0 bouwhuis stef NA
Marjolein Broese Van Groenou VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 350c69 van groenou marjolein female
Gerhard van de Bunt VU associate_prof sociology 2022 VU 30b78d van de bunt gerhard male
Samira Chatila VU phd sociology 2022 VU 3ab6bf chatila samira female
Anika Chowdhury VU phd sociology 2022 VU 8afab2 chowdhury anika female
Alexandra Ciausescu VU phd sociology 2022 VU fe20c7 ciausescu alexandra female
Maurice Crul VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 0d99a1 crul maurice male
Kathy Davis VU other sociology 2022 VU cd5590 davis kathy female
Carlijn Dekker VU other sociology 2022 VU 089aa4 dekker carlijn female
Gözde Duran VU phd sociology 2022 VU 29faa2 duran gozde female
Laura Eberlein VU phd sociology 2022 VU e8e971 eberlein laura female
Eddy Elmer VU phd sociology 2022 VU 0f393a elmer eddy male
Zakia Essanhaji VU phd sociology 2022 VU 6bb0e7 essanhaji zakia female
Muhammad Farooq VU phd sociology 2022 VU 3dafc3 farooq muhammad male
Tara Fiorito VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU 598bd6 fiorito tara female
Harry Ganzeboom VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 9b3d53 ganzeboom harry male
Maura Gardeniers VU phd sociology 2022 VU 4d785d gardeniers maura female
Mauricio Garnier Villarreal VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU b16089 villarreal mauricio male
Halleh Ghorashi VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU cab53b ghorashi halleh female
Santiago Gomez Echeverry VU phd sociology 2022 VU 5a1587 echeverry santiago male
Barbara Gouwenberg VU other sociology 2022 VU b9ca09 gouwenberg barbara female
Caroline Graf VU phd sociology 2022 VU 74f972 graf caroline female
Alaxandra Greene VU phd sociology 2022 VU 6ed8f5 greene alaxandra female
Mohammad Hammoud VU phd sociology 2022 VU 451c7d hammoud mohammad male
Fabian Holle VU phd sociology 2022 VU faa2bf holle fabian male
Barry Hoolwerf VU other sociology 2022 VU a47fdb hoolwerf barry male
Olena van Horick VU phd sociology 2022 VU 7b744e van horick olena female
Mariska van der Horst VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU 78cd5d van der horst mariska female
Martijn Huisman VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 771b03 huisman martijn male
Erik van Ingen VU associate_prof sociology 2022 VU 6c93af van ingen erik male
Elif Keskiner VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU 05ec43 keskiner elif female
Saskia Keuzenkamp VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 8c9a15 keuzenkamp saskia female
Fatma Khalil VU phd sociology 2022 VU 8aa56e khalil fatma female
Saba Khan VU phd sociology 2022 VU 4756f7 khan saba NA
Kyohee Kim VU phd sociology 2022 VU d633a5 kim kyohee female
Bert Klandermans VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 871917 klandermans bert male
Kim Knipprath VU phd sociology 2022 VU b1de8c knipprath kim NA
Stephanie Koolen-Maas VU other sociology 2022 VU 2482e9 koolen stephanie female
Margrieth Korporaal VU phd sociology 2022 VU 5606e6 korporaal margrieth female
Timo Korstenbroek VU phd sociology 2022 VU 3aad96 korstenbroek timo male
Zsuzsa Kovacs VU phd sociology 2022 VU 36a9ba kovacs zsuzsa female
Nebil Kusmallah VU other sociology 2022 VU 1d38f8 kusmallah nebil male
Haebin Lee VU phd sociology 2022 VU 641846 lee haebin NA
Aat Liefbroer VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 9c1ebc liefbroer aat NA
Youssra Lotfi VU other sociology 2022 VU 7b40cd lotfi youssra female
Helenard Louw VU phd sociology 2022 VU ecc4f5 louw helenard NA
Ineke Maas VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU b7f4cb maas ineke female
Elly Mariani VU phd sociology 2022 VU 2aa4a2 mariani elly female
Kay Mars VU other sociology 2022 VU 39d76f mars kay NA
Eva-Maria Merz VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 36f3ba merz eva-maria female
Phoebe Mbasalaki VU other sociology 2022 VU 5c0b02 mbasalaki phoebe female
Nasser Mohamedhoesein VU phd sociology 2022 VU fd5a6d mohamedhoesein nasser male
Jasper Muis VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU 1fafb7 muis jasper male
Ineke Nagel VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU d8b9eb nagel ineke female
Lorraine Nencel VU associate_prof sociology 2022 VU e53929 nencel lorraine female
Busisiwe Octavia Ntsele VU phd sociology 2022 VU f8f26a ntsele busisiwe NA
Mimi Ocadiz Arriaga VU phd sociology 2022 VU abc0e5 arriaga mimi female
Eline van Oosten VU other sociology 2022 VU 5e8ac0 van oosten eline female
Joram Pach VU phd sociology 2022 VU 9338d3 pach joram male
Dimitris Pavlopoulos VU associate_prof sociology 2022 VU 2dad45 pavlopoulos dimitris male
Diederik van der Plas VU phd sociology 2022 VU ce4303 van der plas diederik male
Elena Ponzoni VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU fd6bde ponzoni elena female
Sharon Quinsaat VU other sociology 2022 VU 3fb429 quinsaat sharon female
Maria Charlotte Rast VU phd sociology 2022 VU edc1e3 rast maria female
Jos Rath VU other sociology 2022 VU a3cd46 rath jos male
Sawitri Saharso VU/UvH associate_prof sociology 2022 VU UvH da9090 saharso sawitri female
Joris Schröder VU phd sociology 2022 VU d22a98 schroder joris male
Josje Schut VU phd sociology 2022 VU c27fa3 schut josje NA
Theo Schuyt VU other sociology 2022 VU 4524c4 schuyt theo male
Sajad Sepehri VU other sociology 2022 VU 4cb0c8 sepehri sajad male
Fiona Shan VU phd sociology 2022 VU 699966 shan fiona female
Ying Shen VU phd sociology 2022 VU ac0f2c shen ying NA
Mansoureh Shojaee VU other sociology 2022 VU 58d75d shojaee mansoureh female
Marieke Slootman VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU b667be slootman marieke female
Peer Smets VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU 8cd2ee smets peer male
Tamira Sno VU phd sociology 2022 VU 35289a sno tamira female
Jacquelien van Stekelenburg VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 479c67 van stekelenburg jacquelien female
Elias Storms VU other sociology 2022 VU 61708e storms elias male
Bianca Suanet VU associate_prof sociology 2022 VU 31702c suanet bianca female
Joukje Swinkels VU other sociology 2022 VU 0bccf5 swinkels joukje female
Saartje Tack VU other sociology 2022 VU cb6738 tack saartje female
Claire van Teunenbroek VU other sociology 2022 VU 4f888e van teunenbroek claire female
Anne-Mei The VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU fdbc77 the anne-mei NA
Theo van Tilburg VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU 24a05c van tilburg theo male
Myrto Tourtouri VU phd sociology 2022 VU 5e7d00 tourtouri myrto female
Sara Trovato VU phd sociology 2022 VU 639067 trovato sara female
Joseph van Matre VU phd sociology 2022 VU 116b3c van matre joseph male
Nina Vergeldt VU other sociology 2022 VU 415e9f vergeldt nina female
Evelyn Vlasman VU other sociology 2022 VU 0b76d9 vlasman evelyn female
Ismintha Waldring VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU 2a03a9 waldring ismintha NA
Pamala Wiepking VU full_prof sociology 2022 VU b5830a wiepking pamala female
Arjen de Wit VU assistant_prof sociology 2022 VU 6141bd de wit arjen male
Lisa Woensdregt VU phd sociology 2022 VU 2b82bd woensdregt lisa female
Younes Younes VU other sociology 2022 VU d54eea younes younes male
Jess Bier EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR faac61 bier jess NA
Samira van Bohemen EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR eff7d2 van bohemen samira female
Teana Boston-Mammah EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 6c3e13 boston teana female
Sjaak Braster EUR associate_prof sociology 2022 EUR 8a1b8e braster sjaak male
Vivien Butot EUR other sociology 2022 EUR 7011b1 butot vivien NA
Nele Cannaerts EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR 7a792a cannaerts nele NA
Jaco Dagevos EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 24be60 dagevos jaco male
Roxy Damen EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR ca6f57 damen roxy female
Majolijn Das EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR bf2f8f das majolijn NA
Laura den Dulk EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 029095 den dulk laura female
Pearl Dykstra EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR e21273 dykstra pearl female
Godfried Engbersen EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 340ace engbersen godfried male
Guusje Enneking EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 0a430b enneking guusje NA
Catharina Fokkema EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR d0e17c fokkema catharina female
Bonnie French EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR f9077a french bonnie female
Daphne van Helden EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 17f8bb van helden daphne female
Marcel Hertogh EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR d2fd4c hertogh marcel male
Sara Hogye EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR a79db9 hogye sara female
Jennifer Holland EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR 604195 holland jennifer female
Elske van den Hoogen EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR e8a38c van den hoogen elske female
Gita Huijgen EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 1e6e5a huijgen gita female
Josje ten Kate EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 48a967 ten kate josje NA
Renske Keizer EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 583dcd keizer renske female
Margot Kersing EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 9406fd kersing margot female
Ferry Koster EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 6aa1fb koster ferry male
Willem de Koster EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 5bb1e4 de koster willem male
Arjen Leerkes EUR associate_prof sociology 2022 EUR ad15c1 leerkes arjen male
Thijs Lindner EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 3bf0b9 lindner thijs male
Gabriele Mari EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR 68b308 mari gabriele NA
Saliha Metinsoy EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR 980f8f metinsoy saliha female
Samantha Metselaar EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 7799aa metselaar samantha female
Tim van Meurs EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR a5ccd0 van meurs tim male
Jonathan Mijs EUR/Boston University other sociology 2022 EUR Boston University 176da8 mijs jonathan male
Kjell Noordzij EUR other sociology 2022 EUR 210d61 noordzij kjell male
Irene van Oorschot EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR 492c3a van oorschot irene female
Joost Oude Groeniger EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR f630eb groeniger joost male
Lore van Praag EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR 417349 van praag lore female
Rogier van Reekum EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR c1f7b9 van reekum rogier male
Willem Schinkel EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 68723d schinkel willem male
Lotte Schrijver EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 7d9f18 schrijver lotte female
Erik Snel EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR d2ea2d snel erik male
Lisa van der Storm EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR 1910cd van der storm lisa female
Thomas Swerts EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR 68bbe5 swerts thomas male
Will Tiemeijer EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR b95166 tiemeijer will male
Paula Vrolijk EUR phd sociology 2022 EUR e29610 vrolijk paula female
Jeroen van der Waal EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 16c50f van der waal jeroen male
Liang Wang EUR other sociology 2022 EUR 256a7a wang liang male
Alissa van Zijl EUR assistant_prof sociology 2022 EUR 4e130f van zijl alissa female
Liesbet van Zoonen EUR full_prof sociology 2022 EUR 784f20 van zoonen liesbet female
Peter Achterberg UvT full_prof sociology 2022 UvT 497cbe achterberg peter male
Ipek Bayrak UvT other sociology 2022 UvT cca4a3 bayrak ipek female
Mark van Bergen UvT other sociology 2022 UvT 2f3894 van bergen mark male
Eline Berkers UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 03e4c9 berkers eline female
Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld UvT full_prof sociology 2022 UvT 49884d bijsterveld arnoud-jan NA
Jos Bleus UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT a77692 bleus jos male
Paul Dekker UvT other sociology 2022 UvT 362c32 dekker paul male
Caroline Dewilde UvT associate_prof sociology 2022 UvT 2152f9 dewilde caroline female
S.C.M. Dickens UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT b8838c dickens S.C.M. NA
Frank van Doorn UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT c6bd36 van doorn frank male
Gijs van Gaans UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT b2264c van gaans gijs male
Erwin Gielens UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 38e497 gielens erwin male
Frank van Gils UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 151be3 van gils frank male
Rob Gruben UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 1d007d gruben rob male
Katya Ivanova UvT assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvT 86ae74 ivanova katya female
Thijs Kemmeren UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 5e3a96 kemmeren thijs male
F.J.A.E. Van Kempen-de Troye UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 0f37bb van kempen F.J.A.E. NA
Suzanne Klein Schaarsberg UvT other sociology 2022 UvT d84d01 schaarsberg suzanne female
Tijs Laenen UvT other sociology 2022 UvT deb2b8 laenen tijs male
Frank Lambregts UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 04eccf lambregts frank male
Nancy Lambregts UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT add137 lambregts nancy female
Ruud Luijkx UvT/Trento University associate_prof sociology 2022 UvT Trento University 4eaa5c luijkx ruud male
Francesco Marolla UvT other sociology 2022 UvT f6c405 marolla francesco male
Quita Muis UvT other sociology 2022 UvT 9638d8 muis quita female
Daniela Negoita UvT other sociology 2022 UvT 8b35a4 negoita daniela female
Bert Oomen UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 0d5c94 oomen bert male
Romy Oomens UvT other sociology 2022 UvT a0cc34 oomens romy NA
Peter Parren UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT bbb0c8 parren peter male
Bram Peper UvT other sociology 2022 UvT 2bd6de peper bram male
Ioana Pop UvT assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvT 66db49 pop ioana female
Marga Pruijt UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT e2f5c8 pruijt marga female
Tim Reeskens UvT associate_prof sociology 2022 UvT 6eeadf reeskens tim male
Helma Rodenburg UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 3622ec rodenburg helma female
Femke Roosma UvT assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvT 221b2f roosma femke female
Inge Sieben UvT associate_prof sociology 2022 UvT c070f8 sieben inge female
Renate Stapelbroek UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 0e0b5d stapelbroek renate female
Tomas Turner-Zwinkels UvT assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvT cd9301 turner tomas male
Christof van Mol UvT assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvT db0a42 van mol christof male
Nora Waitkus UvT assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvT dd8dee waitkus nora female
Tom Welman UvT other sociology 2022 UvT 333534 welman tom male
Franca Witlox UvT other sociology 2022 UvT 330797 witlox franca female
Cees van Woerkum UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 5ac3ed van woerkum cees male
Elizabeth Young UvT assistant_prof sociology 2022 UvT 58c81f young elizabeth female
Erik Zeltner UvT phd sociology 2022 UvT 097c92 zeltner erik male
Erik Zijlstra UvT other sociology 2022 UvT 9580f0 zijlstra erik male
Nada Afa RU phd political science 2022 RU 53fa53 afa nada female
Joep Bonnekamp-Van Lit RU phd political science 2022 RU 835a8f lit joep male
Nienke Bos RU phd political science 2022 RU 73fc2c bos nienke female
Maarten Cras RU other political science 2022 RU e6735e cras maarten male
Daniel DeRock RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU 2ae666 derock daniel male
Yaël van Drunen RU other political science 2022 RU 4d6e5d van drunen yael NA
Teun Eikenaar RU postdoc political science 2022 RU 805bb3 eikenaar teun male
Erika van Elsas RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU 3eac33 van elsas erika female
Naomi Gilhuis RU phd political science 2022 RU 4b3a64 gilhuis naomi female
Yannicke Goris RU phd political science 2022 RU 6e4c19 goris yannicke female
Emily Gravesteijn RU phd political science 2022 RU a7d718 gravesteijn emily female
Rosanne Gülkara-Anholt RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU 9a4fac gulkara rosanne female
Gijs Hablous RU phd political science 2022 RU 5177ce hablous gijs male
Carolien van Ham RU full_prof political science 2022 RU d7a2ee van ham carolien female
Kristof Jacobs RU associate_prof political science 2022 RU e88fc3 jacobs kristof male
Jutta Joachim RU other political science 2022 RU 312bc1 joachim jutta female
Gerry van der Kamp-Alons RU associate_prof political science 2022 RU 301f2d van der kamp gerry male
Gaard Kets RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU cff511 kets gaard male
Rosa Kindt RU phd political science 2022 RU aabfe9 kindt rosa female
Marijn Knieriem RU phd political science 2022 RU d6a44b knieriem marijn NA
Stella Koenen RU phd political science 2022 RU cd2fef koenen stella female
Juul Kwaks RU phd political science 2022 RU 161fb2 kwaks juul NA
Jan ter Laak RU other political science 2022 RU 071531 ter laak jan male
Bart van Leeuwen RU associate_prof political science 2022 RU b6f250 van leeuwen bart male
Mathijs van Leeuwen RU full_prof political science 2022 RU 798b5c van leeuwen mathijs male
Alex Lehr RU associate_prof political science 2022 RU f6cd20 lehr alex male
Vera Linke RU phd political science 2022 RU 6e16aa linke vera female
Charlie Loopuijt RU other political science 2022 RU a3cfc0 loopuijt charlie NA
Sofie van der Maarel RU phd political science 2022 RU f376e7 van der maarel sofie female
Romain Malejacq RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU c2c4f9 malejacq romain male
Katerina Manevska RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU f58246 manevska katerina female
Gustav Meibauer RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU 41155b meibauer gustav male
Maurits Meijers RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU c53a2d meijers maurits male
Tine Molendijk RU other political science 2022 RU bb0521 molendijk tine female
Marco Monaco RU phd political science 2022 RU f2f9ed monaco marco male
Camille Munezero RU phd political science 2022 RU 10fa1b munezero camille female
Chris Nijhuis RU other political science 2022 RU 730e04 nijhuis chris male
Bob Reinalda RU other political science 2022 RU a40366 reinalda bob male
Roderik Rekker UvA/Uni Gothenburg assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA Uni Gothenburg 486d6e rekker roderik male
Miguel A Rivera Quinones RU other political science 2022 RU 717ed9 quinones miguel male
Saskia Ruth-Lovell RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU 7d5560 ruth saskia female
Indra Römgens RU phd political science 2022 RU 66e6f1 romgens indra NA
Salah Lema RU phd political science 2022 RU 599411 lema salah male
Melisa Soto RU phd political science 2022 RU d29519 soto melisa female
Nora Stel RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU 3c4a5a stel nora female
Jeannine Suurmond RU postdoc political science 2022 RU c69451 suurmond jeannine female
Haley Swedlund RU associate_prof political science 2022 RU aa72c5 swedlund haley female
Tjidde Tempels RU other political science 2022 RU 100a0d tempels tjidde male
Niels Terpstra RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU 51455b terpstra niels male
Marie Theuwis RU phd political science 2022 RU 6f7b92 theuwis marie female
Maya Turolla RU postdoc political science 2022 RU d7409f turolla maya female
Reinout van der Veer RU assistant_prof political science 2022 RU 071fc5 van der veer reinout male
Bertjan Verbeek RU full_prof political science 2022 RU ea1a83 verbeek bertjan male
Willemijn Verkoren RU associate_prof political science 2022 RU 7cf730 verkoren willemijn female
Mieke Verloo RU full_prof political science 2022 RU 37b80d verloo mieke female
Désirée Verweij RU full_prof political science 2022 RU ecf55d verweij desiree female
Anna van der Vleuten RU full_prof political science 2022 RU 464d80 van der vleuten anna female
Koen Vossen RU other political science 2022 RU 472941 vossen koen male
Angela Wigger RU associate_prof political science 2022 RU e4bca9 wigger angela female
Marcel Wissenburg RU full_prof political science 2022 RU a92a67 wissenburg marcel male
Andrej Zaslove RU associate_prof political science 2022 RU aadc59 zaslove andrej male
Adina Akbik Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 9e4fec akbik adina female
Femke Bakker Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden f807a2 bakker femke female
Ingrid van Biezen Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden b922e1 van biezen ingrid female
Nicolas Blarel Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden efef8d blarel nicolas male
Arjen Boin Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 634be5 boin arjen male
Theo Brinkel Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 7ee2bf brinkel theo male
Valentina Carraro Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 9a25ef carraro valentina female
Leila Demarest Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden b2ec54 demarest leila female
Jesse Doornenbal Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 9f135c doornenbal jesse male
Matthew di Giuseppe Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden 983544 di giuseppe matthew male
Roos van der Haer Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden ce4c84 van der haer roos female
Gisela Hirschmann Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden b4e915 hirschmann gisela female
Joop van Holsteijn Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 6c6b6e van holsteijn joop male
Corinna Jentzsch Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 160dfc jentzsch corinna female
Petr Kopecky Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 062958 kopecky petr male
Matthew Longo Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden dc7b34 longo matthew male
Tom Louwerse Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden 090933 louwerse tom male
Floris Mansvelt Beck Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 49cce5 beck floris male
Juan Masullo Jimenez Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 4f8e5b jimenez juan male
Hilde van Meegdenburg Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 16f0cf van meegdenburg hilde female
Michael Meffert Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden dbd627 meffert michael male
Frits Meijerink Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden fb6ace meijerink frits male
Tim Mickler Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden c1dddd mickler tim male
Martijn Mos Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden beb0ef mos martijn male
Katharina Natter Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden ca34b9 natter katharina female
Cristoph Niessen Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 525ff6 niessen cristoph male
Paul Nieuwenburg Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 256542 nieuwenburg paul male
Simon Otjes Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden e971fc otjes simon male
Johannes Oversloot Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden e887bd oversloot johannes male
Jonathan Philips Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 143c7e philips jonathan male
Rebecca Ploof Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 003958 ploof rebecca female
Karolina Pomorska Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden bc6029 pomorska karolina female
Francesco Ragazzi Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden 0db485 ragazzi francesco male
Babak Rezaeedaryakenari Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden fd4dc5 rezaeedaryakenari babak male
Josh Robison Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 226c49 robison josh male
Michael Sampson Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 6a8f84 sampson michael male
Jan Aart Scholte Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 20fbcc scholte jan male
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden f491d5 schulhofer jonah male
Maria Spirova Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden fbd2eb spirova maria female
Tom Theuns Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 288e91 theuns tom male
Daniel Thomas Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden c0df86 thomas daniel male
Vasiliki Tsagkroni Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 916409 tsagkroni vasiliki female
Wouter Veenendaal Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden 7b1dd7 veenendaal wouter male
Claire Vergerio Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden edcc3d vergerio claire female
Marco Verschoor Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 0aaded verschoor marco male
Cynthia van Vonno Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden be9330 van vonno cynthia female
Niels van Willigen Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden 841a8f van willigen niels male
Shiming Yang Leiden postdoc political science 2022 Leiden 840bdc yang shiming NA
Nikoleta Yordanova Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden 6445e3 yordanova nikoleta female
Frank de Zwart Leiden assistant_prof political science 2022 Leiden 96859b de zwart frank male
Alessia Aspide Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden cc1719 aspide alessia female
Cyan Bae Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 72d71f bae cyan NA
Kathleen Brown Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 136d01 brown kathleen female
Josette Daemen Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden f40e7b daemen josette female
Anastasia Ershova Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 0d81c4 ershova anastasia female
Manuel Kaal Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 26fa43 kaal manuel male
Eleftherios Karchimakis Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 3d73a5 karchimakis eleftherios male
Aleksandra Khokhlova Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 2be31f khokhlova aleksandra female
Stijn Koenraads Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 5b407d koenraads stijn male
Hannah Kuhn Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden e44949 kuhn hannah female
Sabine Mokry Leiden/Uni Berlijn phd political science 2022 Leiden Uni Berlijn e36101 mokry sabine female
Ildikó Plájás Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 5dfb74 plajas ildiko female
Zach Reyna Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden bcafcd reyna zach male
Alexander Schilin Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden f52f90 schilin alexander male
Pawan Sen Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 63800e sen pawan male
Lukas Spielberger Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 0914b8 spielberger lukas male
Ruben van de Ven Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 4d5bbf van de ven ruben male
Denny van der Vlist Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden f0cf2d van der vlist denny NA
Thijs Vos Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 5a6b4d vos thijs male
Rick van Well Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 180e2a van well rick male
Daan van den Wollenberg Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden d811cd van den wollenberg daan male
Elina Zorina Leiden phd political science 2022 Leiden 55e93e zorina elina female
Rudy Andeweg Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden df9d07 andeweg rudy male
Ivan Bakalov Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 06d893 bakalov ivan male
Agha Bayramov Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 270632 bayramov agha male
Jelena Belic Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 97163b belic jelena female
Jelke Bethlehem Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 352c4b bethlehem jelke NA
Peter Castenmiller Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 1f2587 castenmiller peter male
Tomas Cirhan Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden dcc4b1 cirhan tomas male
Oda van Cranenburgh Leiden associate_prof political science 2022 Leiden bba288 van cranenburgh oda NA
Diana Davilla Gordillo Leiden/Lake Forest college other political science 2022 Leiden Lake Forest college 332afc gordillo diana female
Rutger Hagen Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 96ccf3 hagen rutger male
Janina Heaphy Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 627f27 heaphy janina female
Galen Irwin Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 6dacdb irwin galen male
Müge Kinacioglu Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 63fedc kinacioglu muge female
Ruud Koole Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 4076a4 koole ruud male
Amber Lauwers Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden e2bb6f lauwers amber female
Gjovalin Macaj Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 294bd1 macaj gjovalin male
Marijn Nagtzaam Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden a7ecf1 nagtzaam marijn NA
Alexandros Ntaflos Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 851511 ntaflos alexandros male
Joyce Outshoorn Leiden full_prof political science 2022 Leiden 446c44 outshoorn joyce female
Ellen van Reuler Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden b848ad van reuler ellen female
Arlinda Rrustemi Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 0197a4 rrustemi arlinda female
Thomas Scarff Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 99f342 scarff thomas male
Radost Sharenkova - Toshkova Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden aa4cd8 toshkova radost NA
Xander Slaski Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 1cc574 slaski xander male
Vishwesh Sundar Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 0b90e1 sundar vishwesh male
Olaf van der Veen Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 3686e3 van der veen olaf male
Amy Verdun Leiden/Uni of Victoria full_prof political science 2022 Leiden Uni of Victoria 77862e verdun amy female
Anouk van Vliet Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 7675f1 van vliet anouk female
Carina van de Wetering Leiden other political science 2022 Leiden 04a017 van de wetering carina female
Paul Aarts UvA other political science 2022 UvA 8d40ea aarts paul male
Selina Abraham UvA other political science 2022 UvA ddde0a abraham selina female
Tjitske Akkerman UvA other political science 2022 UvA cb4447 akkerman tjitske female
Natasha Anastasiadou UvA other political science 2022 UvA 3cec88 anastasiadou natasha female
Avyanthi Azis UvA/Uni Gothenburg phd political science 2022 UvA Uni Gothenburg fc1e70 azis avyanthi NA
Tito Bachmayer UvA phd political science 2022 UvA f03d33 bachmayer tito male
Julia Bader UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 12be22 bader julia female
Asma Balfaqih UvA other political science 2022 UvA 98d7d8 balfaqih asma female
Gulshan Banas UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 141deb banas gulshan NA
Andreas Baur UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 725da3 baur andreas male
Joost Berkhout UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 8ae9e8 berkhout joost male
Merve Biten UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 1de147 biten merve female
Astrid Bodini UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 545b6f bodini astrid female
Saskia Bonjour UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 40e322 bonjour saskia female
Esmé Bosma UvA phd political science 2022 UvA d6ee47 bosma esme female
Dimitris Bouris UvA other political science 2022 UvA f16005 bouris dimitris male
Wouter van der Brug UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 99514d van der brug wouter male
Brian Burgoon UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 2472e0 burgoon brian male
Olga Burlyuk UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA ea2ff8 burlyuk olga female
Kristin Cain UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 5656bc cain kristin female
Ruth Carlitz UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 1cb841 carlitz ruth female
Noyonika Das UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 74aeb1 das noyonika female
Ursula Daxecker UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA f6d00f daxecker ursula female
Jeroen Doomernik UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 3e0b59 doomernik jeroen male
David van der Duin Universiteit Gent phd political science 2022 Universiteit Gent 473c3b van der duin david male
Linet Durmusoglu UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 8883c3 durmusoglu linet female
Marieke Ekenhorst UvA phd political science 2022 UvA a05697 ekenhorst marieke female
Evelyn Ersanili UvA other political science 2022 UvA 1cdd0c ersanili evelyn female
Sonja Evaldsson Mellstrom UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 31f2fd mellstrom sonja female
Meindert Fennema UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 61ee34 fennema meindert male
Matilde Ferretti UvA other political science 2022 UvA bc2fa4 ferretti matilde female
Fatima Festic UvA other political science 2022 UvA 03378c festic fatima female
Jan Fichtner UvA other political science 2022 UvA cd5514 fichtner jan male
Luc Fransen UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA a4aa29 fransen luc male
Annette Freyberg-Inan UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 9881ac freyberg annette female
Maureen Fubara UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 21792f fubara maureen female
John Grin UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA e96d56 grin john male
Rob Hagendijk UvA other political science 2022 UvA 4ef225 hagendijk rob male
Armèn Hakhverdian UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 58d43d hakhverdian armen male
Marcel Hanegraaff UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA eb4f5c hanegraaff marcel male
Imke Harbers UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA fc7162 harbers imke female
Eelco Harteveld UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA b6f82c harteveld eelco male
Victor Hartman UvA other political science 2022 UvA 359aca hartman victor male
Anja van Heelsum UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA b8a0fa van heelsum anja female
Eelke Heemskerk UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 24e996 heemskerk eelke NA
Klaas Heemskerk UvA phd political science 2022 UvA c1bc5a heemskerk klaas male
Charlotte Hille UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA baaf85 hille charlotte female
Otto Holman UvA/Uni of Lausanne associate_prof political science 2022 UvA Uni of Lausanne fc37b1 holman otto male
Maaike Homan UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 791342 homan maaike female
Franca van Hooren UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 0f038f van hooren franca female
Beste Isleyen UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA e3813b isleyen beste female
Leonie Jegen UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 56f9be jegen leonie female
Thomas Jocker UvA phd political science 2022 UvA e6f6aa jocker thomas male
Judith de Jong UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 04b899 de jong judith female
Haylee Kelsall UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 8bb3ba kelsall haylee female
Eda Kiriscioglu Tasan UvA phd political science 2022 UvA ec9501 tasan eda female
Jens van ’t Klooster UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 5c6c74 van ’t klooster jens male
Geert-Jan Knoops UvA/Shandong uni full_prof political science 2022 UvA Shandong uni f7b0ce knoops geert-jan male
Daniel Komaromy UvA other political science 2022 UvA 73d74f komaromy daniel male
Sebastian Krapohl UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 40a259 krapohl sebastian male
Katie Kuschminder UvA other political science 2022 UvA 301fb6 kuschminder katie female
Chunglin Kwa UvA other political science 2022 UvA c94dab kwa chunglin male
Sarah de Lange UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA b365f4 de la nge sarah female
David Laws UvA other political science 2022 UvA 177b8a laws david male
Alexandros Lefteratos UvA phd political science 2022 UvA ee8234 lefteratos alexandros male
Yue Li UvA other political science 2022 UvA 87803e li yue NA
Chuyu Liu UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 4e0632 liu chuyu NA
Meredith Loken UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 1e8512 loken meredith female
Naomi Lührs UvA other political science 2022 UvA 921449 luhrs naomi female
Kingsley Madueke UvA other political science 2022 UvA f13199 madueke kingsley male
Rojika Maharjan UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 07427a maharjan rojika NA
Piotr Marczynski UvA other political science 2022 UvA 0dbf6f marczynski piotr male
Marcel Maussen UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 307c25 maussen marcel male
Tom van der Meer UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 293c9c van der meer tom male
Ana Mishkovska Kajevska UvA other political science 2022 UvA dc8d51 kajevska ana female
Sabah Mofidi UvA other political science 2022 UvA fc8dc0 mofidi sabah female
Marie Morel UvA other political science 2022 UvA 70c91f morel marie female
Daniel Mügge UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 89bf55 mugge daniel male
Liza Mügge UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 9558c4 mugge liza female
Ton Nijhuis UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 9aa65b nijhuis ton male
Nilmawati Nilmawati UvA phd political science 2022 UvA a595bf nilmawati nilmawati NA
Johan Olsthoorn UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA a7944a olsthoorn johan male
Sanne van Oosten UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 18b469 van oosten sanne female
Polly Pallister-Wilkins UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 017e6c pallister polly female
Mehdi Parvizi Amineh UvA other political science 2022 UvA 3e23b2 amineh mehdi male
Daphne van der Pas UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 697fc9 van der pas daphne female
Julia Palejko UvA other political science 2022 UvA 5b72da palejko julia female
Steve Pickering UvA other political science 2022 UvA cde82d pickering steve male
Robin Pistorius UvA other political science 2022 UvA 8b0f06 pistorius robin NA
Philip van Praag UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 57c746 van praag philip male
Paul Raekstad UvA other political science 2022 UvA ed78ad raekstad paul male
Emily Ragus UvA phd political science 2022 UvA b1d921 ragus emily female
Mariana Riquito Pereira UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 2e6024 pereira mariana female
Conny Roggeband UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 3ba36f roggeband conny NA
Matthijs Rooduijn UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 87e7c1 rooduijn matthijs male
Enzo Rossi UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 213f9b rossi enzo male
Zahra Runderkamp UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 8e89ad runderkamp zahra female
Kidjie Ian Saguin UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 1043b6 saguin kidjie female
Rosa Sanchez Salgado UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 0ba036 salgado rosa female
Anne Sastromedjo UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 42efec sastromedjo anne female
Philip Schleifer UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 4f9feb schleifer philip male
Eric Schliesser UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 341d28 schliesser eric male
Gijs Schumacher UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA a56054 schumacher gijs male
Merel Serdijn UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 844147 serdijn merel female
Yasemin Sivri UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 53740b sivri yasemin female
Abbey Steele UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 7f904d steele abbey NA
Eefje Steenvoorden UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 27fbca steenvoorden eefje female
Frank Takes Leiden uni/UvA other political science 2022 Leiden uni UvA b20cf1 takes frank male
Jean Tillie UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA ac86a0 tillie jean NA
Geoffrey Underhill UvA full_prof political science 2022 UvA 6a0515 underhill geoffrey male
Duygu Uysal Dincol Koc University.UvA phd political science 2022 Koc University.UvA 949b75 dincol duygu female
Nel Vandekerckhove UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 8e0287 vande kerckhove nel NA
Imrat Verhoeven UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 74e9b3 verhoeven imrat male
Floris Vermeulen UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA b18c01 vermeulen floris male
Darshan Vigneswaran UvA associate_prof political science 2022 UvA 69ffd5 vigneswaran darshan male
Jessica de Vlieger UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 8ec347 de vlieger jessica female
Katharina Weber UvA phd political science 2022 UvA defe17 weber katharina female
Eline Westra UvA phd political science 2022 UvA 17ebfa westra eline female
Sofia Margareta Wickberg UvA assistant_prof political science 2022 UvA 7ee1e5 wickberg sofia female
Loes Aaldering VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU 1f7048 aaldering loes female
Daniela Andrade VU other political science 2022 VU cf6cb5 andrade daniela female
Bastiaan van Apeldoorn VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 6f0b96 van apeldoorn bastiaan male
Jelle van Baardewijk VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU 2757e2 van baardewijk jelle male
Duco Bannink VU associate_prof political science 2022 VU c1bc47 bannink duco male
Bas Becker VU phd political science 2022 VU 422128 becker bas NA
Thijs de Boer VU phd political science 2022 VU 1d0124 de boer thijs male
Hans Bosselaar VU other political science 2022 VU c457f3 bosselaar hans male
Hans Boutellier VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 13f51b boutellier hans male
Jeanne de Bruijn VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 06d866 de bruijn jeanne female
Madalina Busuioc VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 517ad1 busuioc madalina female
Aylin Aydin Cakir VU other political science 2022 VU 50ef41 cakir aylin female
Sinan Cankaya VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU c99881 cankaya sinan male
Peter Castenmiller VU other political science 2022 VU 7f5969 castenmiller peter male
Alana Castro de Azevedo VU phd political science 2022 VU dc0e0f de azevedo alana female
Eric Cezne UU/VU other political science 2022 UU VU 8bf7a0 cezne eric male
Liberty Chee VU other political science 2022 VU 2d3771 chee liberty female
Ben Crum VU full_prof political science 2022 VU f3304a crum ben male
Serena Does VU full_prof political science 2022 VU e59682 does serena female
Yunus Baris Ertürk VU phd political science 2022 VU c4cac3 erturk yunus male
Yarin Eski VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU a53da0 eski yarin NA
Fred Fleurke VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 3e4651 fleurke fred male
Gjalt de Graaf VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 689cd9 de graaf gjalt male
Nana de Graaff VU associate_prof political science 2022 VU 781e3d de graaff nana NA
Laurens Hartveld VU other political science 2022 VU 0df1d2 hartveld laurens male
Hans van den Heuvel VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 0a6fa8 van den heuvel hans male
John Hogan VU other political science 2022 VU b2af58 hogan john male
Jan Hoogland VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU f32c23 hoogland jan male
Leo Huberts VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 24ee42 huberts leo male
Thomas Janssen VU other political science 2022 VU c4a6b4 janssen thomas male
Hortense Jongen VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU b3684e jongen hortense female
Wynand Kastart VU other political science 2022 VU 115f01 kastart wynand male
Hans Keman VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 16a347 keman hans male
Cille Kaiser VU other political science 2022 VU 8ede32 kaiser cille female
Maria Kourpa VU other political science 2022 VU 1291a2 kourpa maria female
Benjamin Leidorf-Tida VU phd political science 2022 VU 3fd000 leidorf benjamin male
Geert Luteijn VU other political science 2022 VU 832968 luteijn geert male
Philipp Lutz VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU 1715a9 lutz philipp male
Maria-Alexandra Martin VU phd political science 2022 VU a98538 martin maria-alexandra female
Stefano Merlo VU phd political science 2022 VU 645f30 merlo stefano male
Patrick Mello VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU 8f52c0 mello patrick male
Dana Naomi Mills VU other political science 2022 VU 8920a6 mills dana female
AJGM van Montfort VU associate_prof political science 2022 VU 90b151 van montfort AJGM NA
Montserrat Koloffon Rosas VU phd political science 2022 VU 9af1b2 rosas montserrat female
Steven Otterman VU phd political science 2022 VU b4891c otterman steven male
Henk Overbeek VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 01bba5 overbeek henk male
Patrick Overeem VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU 16cebe overeem patrick male
Philipp Pattberg VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 8866a1 pattberg philipp male
Maeve Powlick VU other political science 2022 VU 25a4eb powlick maeve female
Michiel van Schagen VU other political science 2022 VU 953445 van schagen michiel male
Kayla Schwoerer VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU e7dd6f schwoerer kayla female
Katherine Senneville VU other political science 2022 VU 7d5503 senneville katherine female
Frederique Six VU associate_prof political science 2022 VU 99a1f5 six frederique female
Boris Slijper VU other political science 2022 VU 174483 slijper boris male
Diederik Stadig VU phd political science 2022 VU f49b8c stadig diederik male
Ronald van Steden VU associate_prof political science 2022 VU f72215 van steden ronald male
Ozlem Terzi VU other political science 2022 VU dc2500 terzi ozlem female
JS Timmer VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU 69867c timmer JS NA
Willem Trommel VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 615ab6 trommel willem male
Lieselot Vandenbussche VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU 136dea vanden bussche lieselot female
Bram Verhulst VU other political science 2022 VU 7cb796 verhulst bram male
Sietske van der Vliet VU other political science 2022 VU fd0bab van der vliet sietske female
Catherine de Vries Bocconi University/UvA full_prof political science 2022 Bocconi University UvA 720f3c de vries catherine female
FP Wagenaar VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU d55115 wagenaar FP NA
Wolfgang Wagner VU full_prof political science 2022 VU 5ea406 wagner wolfgang male
Chendi Wang VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU 42bf2c wang chendi NA
Pieter van Wijnen VU other political science 2022 VU 104f85 van wijnen pieter male
Kristina Weissmueller VU assistant_prof political science 2022 VU e44fa2 weissmueller kristina female

8 Saving the dataframe with gender


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